Wheelbarrow Ergonomics

How to move a wheelbarrow so you don’t hurt your neck or back

The full video below will show you how to move a loaded wheelbarrow, but I’ll summarize the steps here. You need to safely lift the wheelbarrow and be able to move it forward to your destination.

One: Lifting

“Assume the position”

  1. Bend your knees and stick your rear end behind you to hinge forward. Your spine will remain lengthened and your gaze will be into the wheelbarrow instead of at the horizon. Your body weight is now stacked over the feet and knees.

  2. Roll the shoulders back and down and stabilize them on your thorax (ribs). You might notice that your arms rotate from a knuckles facing forward to a thumbs facing forward position (or as best your body will allow).

  3. Slightly engage your abdominals to help stabilize your low back.

  4. Hold the handles and use your legs to stand and lift the wheelbarrow. Maintain the stability of the shoulder position.

Two: Moving forward

Walk forward moving from the center of your body, not by leading with the head or jaw.

Self care for tight muscles after yard work

Yard work can be hard on the body. You might want to take an epsom salt bath to help with the muscle fatigue or soreness. Watch my video here about the right way so you don’t waste your salts or your time.

Sign up below for a free lesson on how to self massage one of your jaw muscles at home and learn one habit change to address now.

How to safely move a wheelbarrow so you don’t hurt your neck or back.


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